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questions :Concepts of armour use
Visitor (193.163.*.*)[Albanian ]
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All answers [ 2 ]
[Visitor (112.21.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-03-08
The time of the emergence of heavy cavalry in China is also similar to that of Western Europe during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, known as Tiefutu. Not only were there armored men, but even war horses were fully clothed, and a cavalry was like a tall statue of the god of war, and when they advanced, it was like a wall of steel pressing against them. Later, the Jin people imitated the creation of lock horses, and several heavily armored cavalry were connected into a combat unit with iron cables, which increased the stability of the combat units, but due to the further loss of the already small mobility, it eventually led to defeat - even defeat to the light infantry of the Southern Song Dynasty.
[Visitor (112.21.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-03-08
Use the concept of blinds
Shutters are a kind of soft decoration decoration for new homes, newly built buildings, decoration will basically be used. Modern people advocate a healthy and comfortable life. Wood has an incomparable natural beauty among all the decoration materials. A simple piece of wood reminds urbanites living in the reinforced concrete jungle of verdant trees and tree-lined trees, as if wisps of fresh oxygen wafting from the tips of green leaves are soaked into the heart. People want to have the natural beauty of wood, especially in today's world of green and health. Home, as the most private and relaxing place, people want to decorate it with comfort. With the help of wood, the elegant expression can easily and naturally flow.The handsome and charming hardwood doors and windows are often memorable and impressive at first sight. Both visually and tactilely, wood is a superior material. Its clear and deep lines will immediately attract attention and make people want to touch the texture of the wood. Solid wood shutters make the living room look beautiful and elegant. From the Victorian era to the current changes in american home design, wood has always played a very important role in it. Among them, the classic angled glass inlaid wood doors and comfortable and natural hardwood window flowers have filled many homes...
Unlike the soft texture of curtains, the blades of blinds are generally made of wood, glass and aluminum alloys, so they can resist the erosion of sunlight, wind and rain, dust, and are easy to clean.

The shutters on the market are either slender or gorgeous, or rough and crazy. Its overall arrangement of horizontal lines shows grandeur and warm flat beauty. Through the adjustment of light, the blinds can also bring a pleasant sense of change to the modern and simple space; The choice of multiple colors makes the shutters blend with the style of home décor.

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