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questions :compressed natural gas
Visitor (85.105.*.*)
Category :[Technology][Chemical Energy]
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[Visitor (112.21.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-03-11
CNG, or compressed natural gas, is natural gas pressurized and stored in a gaseous state in a container. In addition to natural gas in oil fields and natural gas fields, compressed natural gas can also be artificially manufactured biogas (the main component is methane). Compressed natural gas has the same composition as pipeline natural gas, and the main component is methane (CH4). CNG can be used as vehicle fuel. CNG can be used to make LNG (i.e. liquefied natural gas). Vehicles fueled by CNG are called NGVs (NaturalGasVehicle). Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is often easily confused with LNG, but they are clearly different. The main component of LPG is propane (more than 95%), and there are also small amounts of butane, which is stored in liquid tank containers under appropriate pressure and is used as a civilian fuel and vehicle fuel.




Main ingredient

Methane (CH4)


Vehicle fuel, industrial and civilian fuels

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