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questions :market prices
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[Visitor (112.21.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-03-29
market price

Market price in commodity market terminology: Refers to the replacement cost of purchasing or resetting for the time.

Market price on the stock market: refers to the transaction price reached by the two parties to the transaction of the stock during the transaction process. The market price directly reflects the market situation of the stock market and is the basis for shareholders to buy stocks. Market prices are in constant flux.

Real estate market price: refers to the average transaction price of a certain real estate in the market.

The market price of similar real estate of the expropriated house: refers to the average transaction price of the similar real estate of the expropriated house at the time of appraisal value, and the market price of the similar real estate of the expropriated house shall be determined, and the accidental and abnormal factors shall be excluded.


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