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[Visitor (112.21.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-04-11
Louis XIV (French: Louis XIV; 5 September 1638 – 1 September 1715), full name Louis Dierdone Bourbon, self-proclaimed Sun King (French: le Roi du Soleil), was the King of Bourbon France and King of Navarre. Reigned for 72 years and 110 days, he was one of the longest-reigning monarchs and the longest-reigning sovereign monarch in world history.
Louis XIV's accession to the throne began as regent by his mother, Anne of Austria, and it was not until 1661, after the death of Cardinal Mazarin, the Prime Minister of France, that he truly became pro-government. Supported by the diplomatic achievements of Cardinals Armand Jean-Depreci de Richelieu and Mazarin, Louis XIV established a centralized kingdom with an absolute monarchy in France. He concentrated the great nobility in the Palace of Versailles and concentrated the bureaucracy of france as a whole around him, thus strengthening the king's military, financial, and institutional decision-making power. The absolute monarchy he established lasted until the French Revolution.
During his reign (1661-1715), France waged three major wars: the War of Heritage, the Franco-Dutch War, and the Grand Alliance War, and two skirmishes that made him the hegemon of Western Europe from 1680 onwards; The last two great wars were against the three-power alliance of The Netherlands, Britain and Austria, the Grand Alliance War was reconciled due to war weariness between the two sides, and the War of the Spanish Succession was finally succeeded by the French King Sun, but the burden of war caused the great image and super popularity he personally created to lose in his later years.


Louis XIV, The Sun King



ethnic group


Date of birth

September 5, 1638

Date of death

September 1, 1715

Major achievements

During his tenure, France became the strongest country in Europe at the time
During his tenure, France expanded its territory
Establish an absolute monarchy
Launched the Franco-Dutch War, the War of the Spanish Succession, and the Grand Alliance War

Place of birth

Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye




The Sanctuary of St. Denis

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