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questions :The meaning of the zigzag line?
Visitor (180.75.*.*)[Malay ]
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All answers [ 2 ]
[Visitor (112.21.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-04-20
A zigzag indicator, also known as a "zigzag indicator", is a trend-following indicator. This indicator is used by traders to eliminate the interference of random price fluctuations on trend analysis and to predict when the trend of a security will reverse, that is, to predict when the stock price will stabilize and when it will begin to fall, or when the price of a security will bottom and when it will recover, and to try to buy and sell profits when the trend changes. Zigzag indicators are often used in wave analysis to determine where a stock is positioned throughout the price movement cycle.
[Visitor (112.21.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-04-20
What is a sawtooth line?
The so-called "serrated thread" is a thread made of a special suture material, its edges are relatively inclined, the ends are sharper, and it is jagged. During surgery, a special instrument is used to minimally traumate the epidermis, and the thread is directed into the superficial subcutaneous fascial layer of tissue, and each small tooth on the serrated line is just close to and supports a specific part of the soft tissue. The shape of the serrated line allows the line to firmly support the skin tissue in the soft tissue domain, so that the soft tissue of the face is supported and lifted, thus shaping a new facial contour. These implanted serrated threads form a tangled tissue of the scar structure, so that the edges of the serrated teeth are covered with many fibrous shells, thus achieving the effect of tightening the skin and lifting the sagging skin.
Cosmetic shaping serrated line is a toothed relatively serrated shape on both sides of the middle part of the polypropylene circular line, with a wide root and sharp tooth ends. The serrated line makes the soft tissue support of the face loose to be uniformly aggregated, and can form a wounded tissue of the scar structure, and the edge of the serrated line is covered with many fiber shells, tightening and lifting the sagging skin.

raw material

Special stitching material


Simple operation, safe, etc

Duration of surgery

30 minutes


Treatment of facial sagging


The United States has been deactivated

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