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questions :leading psychology in biology
Visitor (115.164.*.*)[Malay ]
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[Visitor (112.21.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-04-22
Biological psychology: Also known as psychobiology, psychophysiology, etc., it is a basic discipline that uses biological methods, such as the anatomical structure of the nervous system, biochemical reactions, and the partitioning function of brain tissue, to describe and explain human behavior.
According to the branch of psychology, it belongs to one of the six schools of psychology. The other five schools are: psychodynamics, behaviorist psychology, humanistic psychology, cognitive psychology, and evolutionary psychology. They interpret and predict human behavior from different perspectives. Biological psychology mainly studies the structure and function of the central nervous system in vertebrates, essentially explaining where human consciousness comes from, as well as the biological principles of behavior, including brain tissue structure, genetic predisposition, etc.


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