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questions :geography air temperatures
Visitor (185.179.*.*)[Albanian ]
Category :[Natural][Other]
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Visitor (112.21.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-04-23
Latitude: The farther north the northern hemisphere, the lower the temperature, and the further south the southern hemisphere, the lower the temperature
Altitude: The higher the altitude, the lower the temperature
Land and sea location: If it is close to the ocean, it is often affected by the monsoon, and it will rain and heat at the same time, and most of the monsoon climate is distributed in the eastern part of the continent
If you live deep on land, the summer will be hotter, the winter will be colder, and the temperature difference between day and night will be large
Terrain: Plains: The water vapor of the ocean is easier to enter, but it also raises the temperature
Plateau: High altitude, naturally low temperature
Basin: Water vapor is difficult to enter, but rivers are easy to gather, so the temperature is unlikely to change much, depending on the latitude


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