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questions :Search for the German classical era
Visitor (197.38.*.*)[Arabic ]
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[Visitor (112.21.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-04-23
Salzburg's neighbor is Berchtesgaden in Germany, a small town surrounded by mountains near the Alps and is one of the most beautiful areas in the German Alps. We were taking the train to Berchtesgaden, but in fact salzburg the bus 840 takes just 50 minutes to the town. Many tourists basically return to salzburg on the same day.
From the train station we took the 840 bus and stopped at the town of Berchtesgaden, which is the liveliest town we have ever seen. The host came straight to the station to pick us up and take us to her house. The landlord is a northeastern sister, who immigrated to Germany after marrying far away from Hong Kong, and finally settled her home in Berchtesgaden. The host arranged us well, gave us 4 transport cards and gave us some tips for our trip. At her suggestion, we first went to the Berchtesgaden Salt Mine to find out.
The Alps bring to this world in addition to lakes and mountains and salt. In ancient Europe, salt was considered 'white gold'. Now I finally understand the true meaning of 'get rich from salt'. (Austria and Germany have several salt mines near the Alps and are connected)

We forgot to ring the bell on the bus to the salt mine (because we had communicated with the driver on the car, we thought the driver would remind us to get off the car, but the driver also forgot. As a result, the bus almost took us back to Salzburg, and then we got off the bus decisively, and then went back to the salt mine, delaying us for a long time, waiting for us to enter the mine area and catch the last train to go to the mine.
The bottom of the mine must be slid down from two steep slides in two times, and Ben Sister has a heavy responsibility to carry 3 cowards to rush down the mine bottom (4 of us hugged together), which is very exciting.
  Earlier, salt mining relied on manual excavation of salt blocks in rocks, and because the efficiency was too low, it was changed to irrigation to collect salt. Let the salt dissolve fully in the water, and then pull the salt water out of the cave to make salt, which is convenient and fast. </b></h3><h3><b> the water quality of the small lake that has now formed at the bottom of the mine is very very salty, but it is basically stopped at present, we crossed the saltwater lake by boat under the leadership of the staff, and when we reached the center of the lake, all the lights were extinguished, and the staff held a wooden stick in hand, slowly rubbing the edge of the metal bowl, and emitting a melodious music. In the quiet and quiet environment, in the isolated mine, with this breathtaking sound, it feels really amazing!
There is an old German saying that 'the castle has Swan Castle, the lake has the Königssee' This is a beautiful narrow lake 5 km south of the town of Berchtesgaden. It is a famous tourist attraction in Germany. Famous for its crystal clear waters, Königsee is considered the cleanest and most beautiful lake in Germany. The lake is as calm as a mirror, the jade is as beautiful as jade, surrounded by mountains on all sides, the mountains are steep, and the boats are walking in them, like a fairyland.
There is also an upper lake at the upper end of the narrow King Lake, which can only be reached by trekking through the forest. The road seemed to be smooth, because it was full of muddy paths, and I was breathless after an hour of walking. The view of the upper lake is even more beautiful. Is it intoxicating that the melancholy that grows on the steep mountains on both sides of the river has all melted into this water?

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