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questions :What is the Green Gland
Visitor (157.34.*.*)[Hindi ]
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All answers [ 2 ]
[Visitor (112.0.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-04-28
Protoplasts, or protophylls, are gametes of sexual generations of ferns. Contains chloroplasts, has false roots, and can live independently.
  Protophyllacea, are gametophytes of sexual generations of ferns. Contains chloroplasts, has false roots, and can live independently. On the ground side, there are cervical egg organs (female genitalia) and sperm organs (male genitalia), which can produce one egg cell and most sperm respectively. The sperm swim through water into the cervical egg organs and bind to the egg cells there. Zygotes develop into embryos in the cervical ovule and then into sporophytes.
[Visitor (112.0.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-04-28
What are green glands

It is a type of excretory organ in arthropods, a glandular structure homologous to the posterior kidney (i.e., the antennal gland). It usually consists of a glandular part and a sac-like bladder, one end is a excretory hole, the opening is communicated with the outside world on the surface of the body (such as the opening of the excretory hole of a shrimp at the base of the large antennae), and the other end is the blind end, forming a blind sac, called the end sac, which is equivalent to the residual body cavity capsule and the body cavity tube. After the metabolic waste in the blood enters the gland, it is stored in the bladder through the coiled excretory tube and then excreted from the excretory hole. Another function is the recovery of useful ions from the blood, regulating the ion balance of the blood.
This structure is called green glands in crustaceans such as shrimp, crabs, water fleas, etc.; In the arachnids are called basal glands.

The arachnids have both basal glands and two excretory organs.

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