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[Visitor (112.0.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-05-04
Respect the worship. The Book of Southern Qi and the Hundred Officials Chronicle: "Its zhu ji Qingrui should be congratulated by the people, the calamity and thief sent out many changes, and the Worship of Linxuan... Then the left servant shoots the lord, and the right servant shoots the second time. "
Worship and worship. A series of materials on modern Chinese history, "The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom: The Theory of Degrading the Demon's Cave as a Crime": "The present Demon's Den lives in the north, does not know how to worship the Emperor and God, does not know how to repair and correct it, and its sins are innumerable."
Respect and admiration. Zhang Binglin's "Refuting Kang Youwei's Book on Revolution": "Those who worship the Ram and recite the Fa "Fanlu" and think that every word is sacred and inviolable are now discussed in the same way as the vengeance of the Ninth Dynasty." Ye Junjian's "Spark" X: "He worships this old man, so as long as he can get a little rice, he can also cook a bowl of rice or boil a bowl of porridge and send it." Cao Yu's "Sunrise" Act IV: "(Hu Si came in) Grandma Gu Ba worshipped the hero and followed behind. "

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