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questions :interolate volcans
Visitor (49.36.*.*)[Hindi ]
Category :[Natural][Other]
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Visitor (112.0.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-05-06
Volcanoes within the board

Volcanoes within the Ocean Plate Plate
There are many large volcanic chains in the interior of the Oceanic Plate, which are far away from the expansion ridge and younger than the oceanic crust on which they stand. In the Pacific Ocean, these volcanic islands and seamounts are arranged very regularly, nearly parallel to each other and perpendicular to the magnetic anomalies of the eastern Pacific ridge. The most in-depth studies are the north-west-facing Hawaiian Seamount Chain and the North-North-West-facing Emperor Seamount Chain. From the island of Hawaii to the north and west, the volcano is getting older because Hawaii is located exactly above the 'hot spot', and there is a volcanic eruption when the lithosphere expands from the ocean ridge and sits above the hot spot. There are 18 large volcanoes in the Hawaii Island Chain every 1000 km. There are only 13 in the Emperor Seamount Chain, indicating that the speed and direction of the relative movement of the Pacific plate have changed.In the early days of the formation of the Emperor Seamount Chain, it was possible that the speed of plate movement was relatively fast...

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