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questions :Photos and names of members of the Chinese Dance Association
Visitor (41.92.*.*)[Arabic ]
Category :[Art][Dance]
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[Visitor (112.0.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-05-16
Membership conditions

Those who approve the Constitution of the Society, have one of the following conditions, and are recommended by the Branch or relevant parties, or voluntarily apply to the Society, and are examined and approved by the Standing Council of the Society, they may be members of the Society.

(1) Those who have certain achievements and influences in the creation, performance, directing, teaching, theoretical research, compilation, dance music, dance art, and dance organization leadership of dance art.

(2) Ethnic and folk dancers, mass dance activists, and those who have a certain influence on the local masses.

Rights and Obligations of Members

(1) Members have the right to vote and to be elected, and have the right to criticize, suggest and participate in various activities organized by the Society.
(2) The Society protects the legitimate rights and interests of members and the achievements of artistic creation, and if members are suppressed, infringed upon and attacked without cause, they have the right to reflect to the Society, and the Society has the obligation to defend and appeal.

(III) Members of the Society must consciously abide by the laws and disciplines of the State, abide by the Articles of Association, implement the resolutions of the Society, and pay membership fees.

(IV) If a member voluntarily withdraws from the association, he or she may apply to the Society to complete the withdrawal procedures.

Membership Management

Any member who has any of the following circumstances may cancel or suspend his membership after discussion and approval by the Standing Council of the Society.

(1) Persons deprived of their citizenship for committing a crime and being punished by state law.

(2) Violating the constitution of the Society and undermining the workers of the Society.

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