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questions :Animals in the sea
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[Visitor (112.0.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-05-18
There are turtles, dolphins, starfish, walruses, seahorses and other animals in the sea.

1. Turtles

Sea turtles ( scientific name : Chelonia mydas ) belong to the turtle family , turtle family , and turtle genus. It is widely distributed in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans. Chinese sea turtles are found from Shandong in the north to the coastal waters of the Beibu Gulf in the south. It can reach more than 1 meter in length and has a maximum lifespan of about 150 years. There is a pair of forehead scales on the top of the head.
The limbs are like paddles, the forelimbs are longer than the hind limbs, and each has a claw on the inside. The head, neck and limbs must not be retracted into the nail. Feeds mainly on seaweed. It lives in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans, laying eggs on land and hatching larvae. It is a national second-level protected animal. Turtles adapt to living in the water, and their limbs become fin-shaped, which is conducive to swimming. It is generally only possible to come ashore from the water during the breeding season.

2. Starfish

Starfish are the most representative class of echinoderms in structural physiology. The body is flat, mostly five-radiant symmetry, and the division between the body disc and the wrist is not obvious. In life, the mouth is facing downwards and the reverse mouth is facing upwards. The ventral side of the wrist has a step groove, and the tube foot protrudes from the groove. The bone plates of the endoskeleton are connected by connective tissue and are flexible and flexible.
The surface of the body has spines and forked spines, which are protrusions of bones. From the interosseous plate protruding membranous vesicular protrusions, the epithelium is covered externally, and the lining of the body cavity epithelium, the inner cavity of which is connected to the secondary body cavity, called the gills, has the effect of respiration and diffusion of metabolites to the outside world. The water pipe system is developed. Ontology of transvamped wrist larvae and short-wristed larvae.

There are 1600 species and 300 fossil species, which are widely distributed in sandy seabeds, soft mud seabeds, coral reefs and oceans of various depths.

3. Dolphins
Dolphins (scientific name: Delphinidae) have the morphological traits typical of toothed cetaceans: spindle-shaped body; single crescent-shaped breathing holes; skull instills, the maxilla extending backwards to overlap the frontal bone; asymmetry of the left side of the skull apex; conical or nail-shaped teeth, etc. The most obvious variations are related to feeding organs such as the beak, upper and lower jaws, and teeth.
The length and size of the beak, the number and size of the teeth, reflect the range of niches occupied by different species. For example, the total number of teeth has gone from only about 10 (Richter's dolphins) to a total of 250 (protosthetic dolphins). The shape is also largely variable. Only a few species, such as killer whales and pilot whales, are significant type II, while many more species may be slightly type II in body size, shape, color, and dorsal fin shape.

Dolphins are aquatic mammals closely related to whales and porpoises, evolved in the Miocene about 10 million years ago, and live extensively in shallow seas near the continental shelf, occasionally found in fresh water. It feeds mainly on fish and molluscs.

4. Walrus
Walrus (scientific name: Odobenus rosmarus ( Linnaeus, 1758 ) is an animal of the genus Walrus in the walrus family. As the name suggests, it is an elephant in the sea, it has a large body, thick and wrinkled skin, sparse bristles, small eyes, and poor vision. He has two long teeth.

Unlike the elephant with fat head and big ears, long nose and thick limbs on land, its limbs have degenerated into fins due to adaptation to life in the water, and it cannot walk on land like an elephant, only by bending forward with its back fin feet, and the joint action of its fangs piercing into the ice, so the scientific name of the walrus, if it is translated Chinese literally, is a walker with its teeth, and its nose is short, lack of ear shells, and looks very ugly.

5. Seahorse
The hippocampus (Latin scientific name: hippocampus), is a collective name for several small species of fish in the family Hydrosaurus, a small marine animal with a length of 5–30 cm. Named because the head is curved and the body is nearly right angled, the head is horse's head shape and forms a horn with the body, the snout is long tube-shaped, the mouth is small, and the dorsal fin is composed of fins. The eyes can move independently.

The hippocampus is slow to move, but can very efficiently catch quick-moving, well-hidden copepods in the Atlantic, Europe, Pacific, and Australia.

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