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questions :4-isopropyltoluene
Visitor (92.53.*.*)[Bulgarian ]
Category :[Technology][Chemical Energy]
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[Visitor (112.0.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-05-25
CAS number: 99-87-6

Molecular Formula: C10H14

Molecular mass: 134.22

EINECS number: 202-796-7


Also known as: 4-Isopropyltoluene

Melting point (°C): -67.94

Boiling point (°C): 176~177

Flash point (°C): 47

Relative density (water = 1): 0.857

Saturated vapor pressure (kPa): 1.5

Refractive index(n20/D): 1.490(lit.)

Dissolution: miscible with alcohol and ether, insoluble in water, soluble in ethanol, ether, chloroform.

Chemical properties

Toxicity classification: intoxication.

Acute toxicity: oral- rat LD50: 4750 mg/kg.

Irritation data: skin - rabbit 500 mg / 24 hours moderate.

Explosive hazard characteristics: explosive when mixed with air.

Flammability hazard characteristics: in case of open flame, high temperature, strong oxidant combustible; Combustion emissions stimulate fumes.
P-isopropyl toluene vapor and air can form an explosive mixture, in the presence of open flames, high heat can cause combustion explosions. It can react with oxidants. The flow rate is too fast, and it is easy to generate and accumulate static electricity. Its vapor is heavier than air, and it can spread to a considerable distance at a lower place, and it will be re-ignited in the event of a fire source. In case of high heat, the pressure inside the container increases, and there is a risk of cracking and explosion.

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