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questions :What is nutrition?
Visitor (157.45.*.*)[Kannada ]
Category :[Life][Diet][Health]
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Visitor (112.0.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-05-28
Nutrition refers to the nutrients contained in food; the absorption of nutrients to nourish the body is the instinct of living organisms to absorb nutrients from the outside world to maintain their life. Nutrition is the science of studying the effects of food on living things. Nutritionists explain nutrition as the relationship between the interaction and balance of nutrients and other substances in food to health and disease, as well as the process of body feeding, digestion, absorption, transport, utilization and excretion of substances. In its development, nutrition not only includes changes in the entry of food into the body, such as participation in biochemical reactions and binding to tissue cells; it also guides people on how to choose food to ensure the normal growth, development and reproduction of the body.Therefore, nutrition has its biological significance, but also its socio-economic significance...


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