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questions :Talic dichromate
Visitor (102.177.*.*)[Spanish ]
Category :[Technology][Chemical Energy]
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Visitor (112.0.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-06-05

Contains the dichromate ion Cr2O72-salts.

The dichromate of alkali metals and ammonium is orange-red. Soluble in water. It has a strong oxidation effect. When alkaline in solution, it is converted to chromate, and the color changes from orange-red to yellow (chromate is the opposite in acid solution). Silver baritate Ag2Cr2O7 is a deep red color. Insoluble in water.
The most important are potassium dichromate and sodium dichromate, industrially known as red alum.

It is mainly used as an oxidant. And used in matches, tanning, pigments and other industries.

Can be prepared from chromite.


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