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All answers [ 2 ]
[Visitor (112.0.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-06-08
Matter, energy and information are the basic elements that make up nature.

Two oil crises have made the term "energy" a hot topic of discussion.
Regarding the definition of energy, there are about 20 kinds. For example: "Energy is the resource from which energy such as heat, light and power can be obtained"; The Encyclopædia Britannica says: "Energy is a term that encompasses all fuels, flowing water, sunlight and wind, and that human beings can use appropriate means of conversion to provide themselves with the energy they need"; The Encyclopedia of Japan says: "In various production activities, we use heat, mechanical, light, electrical, etc. to do work, and can be used as the source of these energy sources in the natural world of various carriers, called energy"; China's "Energy Encyclopedia" said: "Energy is a carrier resource that can directly or be converted to provide any form of energy such as light, heat, and power needed by human beings."."It can be seen that energy is a source of energy that takes many forms and can be converted into each other. To be precise and simply put, energy is a material resource in nature that can provide some form of energy for human beings...
Energy is also known as energy resources or energy resources. It refers to the collective name of substances that can produce various energy (such as heat, electricity, light energy and mechanical energy) or can work. Refers to all kinds of resources that can be directly obtained or obtained through processing and conversion of useful energy, including coal, crude oil, natural gas, coal-bed methane, hydropower, nuclear energy, wind energy, solar energy, geothermal energy, biomass energy and secondary energy such as electricity, heat, refined oil, and other new and renewable energy sources.
Energy, also known as energy resources or energy resources, is an important material basis of the national economy, and the future fate of the country depends on the control of energy. The degree of development and efficient use of energy and per capita consumption are important indicators of production technology and living standards. (Encyclopedia of China, Mechanical Engineering Volume)

In the "Energy Conservation Law of the People's Republic of China", "energy" refers to coal, oil, natural gas, biomass energy and electricity, heat and other kinds of resources that obtain useful energy directly or through processing and conversion.
[Visitor (112.0.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-06-08
1. Refers to strength, has a weight. For example, when this blow came to him, there was no longer any power, and someone betrayed everything for him.

2. Capabilities. For example: Do everything in your power to complete a task.

3. Effect, effectiveness. For example, the power of this pesticide is great.

The physiological definition of exercise refers to the ability of a muscle to resist resistance when it is tense or contracted.


Battle Force. --The Book of Han and the Biography of The Infant Irrigation. Note: "Strong force also."

May the general deal with it according to his ability. --Zizhi Tongjian

The decaying beetle is invincible to the power of the sword and saw, although the craftsman is clever and desires?-- Han Yu's "Title Wood Resident"

Midsummer efforts. --Song Sushi,"Teaching Battle and Defense"

Another example: inferior strength (weak strength); Weak force (weak strength)


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