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questions :Light-sensitive materials
Visitor (154.121.*.*)[Arabic ]
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All answers [ 2 ]
[Visitor (112.0.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-06-09
Under the action of external excitation sources, the phenomenon of a substance or a system that changes significantly in color is called discoloration. Photochromic phenomenon refers to a compound A when it is irradiated by a certain wavelength of light, a photochemical reaction can occur to obtain product B, and the color of A and B is significantly different, and B can be restored to the original form A under the illumination of another beam of light or after being heated. Photochromism is a reversible chemical reaction. Substances with this reversible property are called photochromic materials or photosensitive materials.
Photosensitive color-changing materials are widely used in life. For example, it can be made into color-changing clothing on the battlefield, and can also be widely used in T-shirts, pants, water cups, casual sportswear, work clothes, children's clothing, curtains, toys, etc. Militaryly available as a military camouflage; In the field of anti-counterfeiting, it can be widely used as anti-counterfeiting materials in bills, certificates, trademarks, etc.
[Visitor (112.0.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-06-09
Photosensitive materials are a general term for materials such as film, film and paper used in photography. Photosensitive materials are generally divided into two categories: black and white photosensitive materials and color photosensitive materials. In the field of lighting, film and television production, and printing and plate making, various types of materials that can undergo photochemical changes under the action of light can meet the requirements of use. It is divided into two categories: silver salt photosensitive materials and non-silver salt photosensitive materials. It is characterized by insulation in the absence of light and conductivity in the state of light. The working principle of the photocopier takes advantage of this feature.In the photocopier, the photosensitive material is applied to the substrate to make the printing plate (printing drum) that needs to be used for copying, so the printing plate is also called the photosensitive plate (photosensitive drum), and the photosensitive plate is the basic core component of the photocopier. The photosensitive materials commonly used on photocopiers are selenium, zinc oxide, cadmium sulfide, organic light conductors, etc. are ideal photoconductivity materials...


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