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questions :Psychotherapy of masturbation
Visitor (106.203.*.*)[Tamil language ]
Category :[Life][Health]
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Visitor (112.0.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-06-18
Frequent masturbation in men can easily lead to prostatitis and urinary tract infections and lead to poor mental state, fatigue, low libido, affecting work and study, and even affecting fertility. It is recommended not to wear on tight panties. Do not touch pictures and sounds of sexual irritation etc. Go to bed when you need to sleep. Don't read to bed in the morning and wake up even after getting up. So as not to think about the non-right. But these symptoms generally get better by quitting the habit.
Masturbation is common in normal healthy people and is the main sexual behavior in adolescence, and it is a completely normal sexual behavior. Department of Surgery (Urology) of Longhua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine should be recommended. The so-called "appropriate": refers to the sexual impulse of normal physiological instincts, rather than the sexual impulse triggered by or relying on sexual stimuli (pornographic pictures, books, video materials, etc.). The process of masturbation should be: pleasant when masturbating, relaxed after masturbation, no guilt, no regrets, no thoughts. Masturbation is beneficial: psychologically, it can relieve the pressure of sexual impulses; Physiologically, it can reduce the prolonged congestion caused by sexual impulses of the reproductive organs; Sociologically, sexual sin can be reduced.To achieve masturbation harmlessly, you should pay attention to: 1. Establish a correct life goal, consciously resist the infringement of pornographic vulgar things, transfer sexual interest to study and work, and make unremitting efforts to achieve your goals.2. Cultivate a wide range of interests and hobbies, make more friends, participate in more collective activities and recreational activities, and actively participate in social welfare undertakings.3. Constantly strive to improve your personality, self-reliance, and develop a relaxed, pleasant, easy-going, and flexible character...

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