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questions :Bosons
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[Visitor (112.0.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-06-22
Bosons, elementary particles that are not conserved in interactions, behave in accordance with the statistical rules of the "Bose-Einstein Statistical Method" developed in 1920 by Satyendra bose (1894--1974) and Albert Einstein. The exemplary boson is the photon, the particle of light, which produces a large number of photons every time a lamp is lit.
Using the Bose-Einstein method of statistics, electromagnetic radiation is described as a photon "gas", and it is possible to predict all the properties of blackbody radiation without using the fluctuations of radiation. This is an example of wave-particle duality in the quantum world. Wave-particle duality holds that entities such as photons or electrons can be described in terms of both waves and particles. Bosons are particles in quantum theory responsible for transmitting forces. For example, electromagnetic forces can be described as two charged particles: such as the exchange of photons between an electron and a proton, like a pass between two football players.
According to quantum physics, the key property of the boson is its spin. The spin of all bosons is either zero or integers 1h, 2h, 3h, and so on. It's a bit like the spin of a kid's gyroscope, but not exactly like the spin of a gyroscope, because a particle with a half-integer spin like an electron has to "spin" twice to get back to its starting state.
Boson: Is a particle with an integer spin according to Bose-Einstein statistics. Without observing the Pauli incompatibility principle, Bose-Einstein condensation can occur at low temperatures. Consistent with Bose-Einstein statistics: isolated systems consisting of all-identical bosons, at thermal equilibrium, have the number of particles distributed at energy level εi, Ni=gi/(e^(α βεi)-1). α is a Lagrange multiplier; β = 1/(kT) and is determined by system temperature, particle density, and particle mass. εi is the energy of the energy level i, and gi is the degeneracy of the energy level.
Microscopic particles that follow Bose-Einstein statistics. Bosons have a spin of 0 or integers, such as photons, π mesons, etc. Composite particles consisting of bosons or even fermions also have spins of 0 or integers, so they are also bosons.

CeRN yesterday (December 13, 2011) released important data from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The theory explains why particles have mass and thus evolve into everything around us, and if this particle is confirmed, it will be one of the greatest discoveries of mankind in 100 years.

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