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questions :Humorous adjustment of some
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All answers [ 2 ]
[Visitor (112.0.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-06-22
In the long journey of life, each of us will encounter big or small troubles. In the face of all kinds of unsatisfactory in life, we usually continue to reflect and blame ourselves, and over time, it will lead to psychological imbalance, or sullenness, or depression, or full of complaints, or angry and angry. If we let this anxiety continue, then our lives will fall into chaos, creating a vicious emotional cycle. Therefore, we must use humor to adjust our mentality.
The British writer William Thackeray once said: "Life is a mirror, you laugh at it, it will laugh at you; You cry to it, and it will cry at you. "To get rid of the troubles, we can also look at life's unsatisfactory with a humorous mentality." Because the power of humor can make people understand the true meaning of frustration or annoyance, and actively create a new atmosphere, so as to achieve psychological balance.
A Japanese tour group came to Jiangnan in China for tourism. It was the rainy season, and the foreign guests felt very disappointed. Luckily, however, they met an understanding, funny and humorous tour guide. In the car, the tour guide said in Japanese: "You brought the rain from Japan to China, but the rain is outside the car; You brought the Sun of Tokyo with you, and it was in the carriage." The witty words came out and there was a round of applause. During the tour, an old lady was swimming in the West Lake, due to a slippery road and fell, her skirt was torn, and she sat on the ground in frustration, shouting to return to Japan. The tour guide and Yan Yue said to the old lady, "Don't be angry, this is the West Lake.".It asks you to stop your hasty steps and let you take a few more looks at it! In a simple sentence, the wind blew away the "sad cloud" on the old lady's face, causing her to regain her interest and continue to move forward with the group...
In the face of the above situations such as weather, in the absence of the power to change the status quo, the best way is to laugh at it and make a free face. The humorous and funny tour guide, when encountering tourists complaining or having an unexpected bad mood, did not anxiously explain, but used a relaxed posture and humorous language to dispel the inner clouds of tourists and resolve their negative emotions. As a result, he not only successfully resolved the crisis and got rid of the troubles caused by the crisis, but also created a relaxed and pleasant environment for everyone, which was loved by everyone.
Compared with the troubles encountered by the tour guide, when we encounter troubles ourselves, we need to have a humorous mentality and eliminate our negative emotions in a relaxed state. During a long trip, Edison was slapped in the face with a resounding slap. It was this sinful slap that led to Edison's later deafness. But the great scientist was unimpressed by his flaws and did not suffer for them. He said humorously: "It was deafness that helped me to eliminate boring conversations with the outside world and allow me to concentrate more on my work." ”
Disability and pain are so painful in the eyes of ordinary people, but for people with lofty ideals and insight, as long as they face it with optimism, they can change their lives. Because humor not only opens up a person's heart, but also allows us to harvest joy in pain, so that we can live more confidently and calmly. As the writer Romain Rowland said, "Fate is painful, but life is happy." ”
In fact, everyone is an apple that has been bitten by God's love, so each of us is flawed. And the reason why you have a greater flaw than others is because God likes you more and bites you so much. In the face of the imperfection of life, if we can all think like this, I believe that each of us will live a life as grand as Edison.
There was a man who had bought a new car for many years, but accidentally had a car accident, which caused serious damage to the rear of the car. The man looked at the scarred new car and said to himself, "Well, I used to say that if only I could have a car one day." Now, I really have a car, and it's really only one day! The people around them laughed when they heard it. For this man, the car has been crashed, and sadness and pain will not help. Therefore, he chose to respond with humor, a few light and funny words, not only comforted himself, alleviated depression and pain, but also won the laughter and admiration of the people around him.
On the road of life, setbacks and failures are inevitable, if the psychological ability to resist setbacks is not improved, then anxiety and nervous emotions will always plague our body and mind. Conversely, if you can face setbacks in life with a humorous mindset, then the pain will be farther and farther away from you. Let us always remember the words of the ancients: "According to the law of the world, smile slightly." ”
[Visitor (112.0.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-06-22
Fluid regulation
Some endocrine cells can directly feel the changes in certain physical and chemical factors in the internal environment and directly respond accordingly. For example, when the concentration of blood calcium ions decreases, parathyroid cells can directly feel this change, which promotes the increase in the secretion of parathyroid hormone, which in turn leads to the release of calcium in the bone into the blood, so that the concentration of blood calcium ions rises and maintains the homeostasis of the internal environment. There are also some endocrine glands themselves that are directly or indirectly regulated by the nervous system, in which case fluid regulation is an efferent link in neuromodulation, an extension of the reflex efferent pathway. This condition can be called neuro-humoral regulation.For example, the adrenal medulla receives innervation by the sympathetic nervous system, and when the sympathetic nervous system is excited, the adrenaline secretion of the adrenal medullary gland and norepinephrine increases, which together participate in the regulation of the body...
There is a feedback regulation effect between hormones and the secretory system, feedback regulation is that under the influence of the cerebral cortex, the hypothalamus can regulate and control the synthesis and secretion of hormones in certain endocrine glands through the pituitary gland; After hormones enter the bloodstream, they can in turn regulate the synthesis and secretion of hormones in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. Through feedback regulation, hormones in the blood are often maintained at normal, relatively stable levels.
There is synergy and antagonism between hormones and hormones, which means that different hormones play opposite effects on a physiological effect. For example: insulin and glucagon. Synergistic regulation means that different hormones all act on the same physiological effect. For example: growth hormone and thyroid hormone, thyroid hormone and epinephrine.

In addition to hormones, some chemicals produced by certain tissues and cells, although they cannot play a regulatory role with the blood to other parts of the body, can spread in the local tissue fluid and change the activity of neighboring tissue cells. This regulation can be seen as local fluid regulation, or paracrine regulation.
The general characteristics of neuromodulation are relatively rapid and precise, and the general characteristics of humoral regulation are relatively slow, long-lasting and diffuse, and the two cooperate with each other to make the physiological function regulation more perfect.

Pay special attention

It is important to note that the regulation of ADH (antidiuretic hormone), called neuroendocrine regulation, is also a type of humoral regulation because ADH is directly secreted by nerve cells (nerve cells of the superior optic and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus).

It should be pointed out that many types of humoral regulation are the way hormones are secreted through nerves, and then hormones regulate the function of the body, also known as neuro-humoral regulation.
In addition, in addition to the way the body regulates nerves and body fluids, many tissue cells themselves can also respond adaptively to changes in the surrounding environment, which is the physiological characteristics of the tissue cells themselves, and does not rely on the role of foreign nerves or humoral factors, called self-regulation.

Single-celled animals and some multicellular inferior animals have only humoral regulation.


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