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questions :Structural variability
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[Visitor (112.0.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-06-22
Structural asymmetry

Asymmetry of the biofilm structure:

Biofilm is mainly composed of membrane lipids and membrane proteins, and the asymmetry of biofilms is reflected in the asymmetry of membrane lipids and membrane proteins.

Asymmetry of membrane lipids refers to the uneven distribution of the same membrane lipid molecules in the lipid bilayer of the membrane.

(1) The distribution of glycolipids shows complete asymmetry, with glycosyl side chains only present on the Es surface of the plasma membrane, and glycolipids only in extracellular pages of the plasma membrane.

(2) Phospholipids are also asymmetrically distributed on the cell membrane, such as phosphatidylserine and phosphatidyl inositol mainly in the intracellular leaflets of the plasma membrane, while sphingomyelin and lecithin are mainly present in the extracellular leaflets of the plasma membrane.
(3) The asymmetrical distribution of membrane lipids is the structural basis for completing their physiological functions.

Membrane protein asymmetry means that each membrane protein molecule has a clear directionality on the cell membrane.

(1) The receptors on the surface of the cell, the carrier proteins on the membrane, etc., all transmit signals and material transportation in a certain direction.

(2) Enzymatic reactions associated with cell membranes also occur on one side of the membrane.

(3) Glycoprotein glycosaccharide residues are distributed on the Es surface of the plasma membrane.

(4) The asymmetry of membrane proteins is the guarantee that biofilms complete complex orderly physiological functions in time and space.

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