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questions :How the League of Nations has failed to save the world from World War II
Visitor (111.119.*.*)[Urdu language ]
Category :[History][Other]
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Visitor (112.0.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-07-05
There is still a little bit of an impact. In 1939, although the League of Nations did not make any accusations (or even official statements) about the german invasion of Poland that led to the outbreak of World War II in Europe, and although the League itself postponed all meetings and events at its headquarters at the Palais des Nations in Geneva because of the continental war, the organization expelled the League of Nations from the Soviet Union in December 1939 "at the time of its moribund breath" and in violation of its own regulations (only 7 of the 15 members supported and less than half of the members).
After the outbreak of the Second World War, the League of Nations as an international organization actually died out in name only. After consultation, China, the Soviet Union, the United States, and the United Kingdom met in 1944 at the Dunbouton Oaks Building in the Washington suburb of Washington. In the first stage, the Soviet side advocated that the "world police" should be composed of the United States, the Soviet Union, and the United Kingdom, and China had no right to include them, on the grounds that China did not participate in the meeting. The United States said that "China, as a member of the supreme council of the world organization, will make this organization universal, which will help to call Asia together and make it loyal to this organization." Thanks to the repeated insistence of the U.S. government, China entered the "World Police" group. The meeting recommended that the organization be named "United Nations"...
The achievements of the First Thirty Years since the Founding of the United Nations are impressive... But it has achieved nothing with regard to general disarmament, nor has it been able to put an end to the growing friction between the Soviet Union and the United States, which is certainly a threat to international peace ... It can be argued, however, that the United Nations, by providing expedient solutions and forums for discussing grievances, has helped to prevent a head-on clash between the two giants, with the result that crises have intensified and become fierce quarrels, but have not resulted in a massive scourge that will destroy the world.

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