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questions :Brown swiss cow
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[Visitor (49.66.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-11-05
The annual milk production of Swiss brown cattle is 2 500~3 800 kg, the milk fat rate is 3.2%~3.9%, the live weight of 18 months old can reach 485 kg, and the slaughter rate is 50%~60%. Swiss brown cattle were bred as dairy breeds in the United States in 1906, and in 1999 the average milk production of Swiss brown cattle in the United States reached 9 521 kg (adult equivalent) over 305 days.

Swiss brown cattle mature late and are generally bred at 2 years of age. Resistant to roughage, highly adaptable, the United States, Canada, the former Soviet Union, Germany, Poland, Austria and other countries are bred, about 6 million head worldwide. Swiss brown cattle have played an important role in the breeding of brown cattle in Xinjiang.


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