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questions :Justinian Ka shasak Kaisa tha
Visitor (106.196.*.*)[Hindi ]
Category :[History][Historical period]
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Visitor (58.214.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-11-13
How was the ruler of Justinian
Justinian I was one of the most important rulers at the end of the Greco-Roman era, and his reign is generally regarded as an important transition from the Eastern Roman Empire to the Byzantine Empire. In 542, for example, he abolished the consul, a position inherited from the Roman Republic (probably for expense). He also strengthened the emperor's position as the representative of the gods on earth, a move that completely destroyed the image of the emperor as the chief executive officer and the "father of the state" in the Roman Empire. But the historian Procopius had already made a profound critique of Justinian's policies. Procopius's writings are the most important source for the study of the reign of Justinian I today.
Justinian was one of the most influential emperors in the world, mainly because of these two things: he laid a solid foundation for the Byzantine Empire, which lasted for nearly a thousand years in the storms of history, and later became the only fire in the civilized world in the western part of Eurasia. The second is the "Roman Civil Law Compendium", Justinian's code once lost its influence after the decline of the Byzantine Empire, but under the impetus of the European Renaissance movement, Justinian's code regained its heat and became a legal book that transcended the limitations of time and space. The laws of modern European countries, except for the British system, are deeply influenced by Roman law, and thus affect the laws of Asia, Africa and the United States.Thus, among the most influential emperors in world history, Justinian I deservedly entered the top 10...

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