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questions :melamine formaldehyde
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Category :[Technology][Chemical Energy]
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[Visitor (58.214.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2022-11-23
In the first step, melamine and formaldehyde undergo addition reactions to produce different numbers of N-hydroxymethyl substitutes.

In the second step, the polycondensation reaction is carried out, and various substances are condensed into linear resins.

The reaction of melamine with formaldehyde is carried out under slightly alkaline conditions from beginning to end.

Melamine formaldehyde resin, a polymer obtained by the reaction of melamine with formaldehyde. Also known as melamine formaldehyde resin, melamine resin. English abbreviation MF. Crosslinking reaction occurs during processing and molding, and the product is a non-melting thermosetting resin. It is customary to refer to it and urea-formaldehyde resin collectively as amino resin.


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