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questions :How the Ancient Egyptian Build was formed
Visitor (115.164.*.*)[Malay ]
Category :[History][Other]
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Visitor (58.214.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2023-01-15
The method of construction of the pyramids is not documented. There are several conjectures for posterity. One is to use a huge lever, one section is tied to the stones with a rope, the other end is lifted upwards by manpower, and then the stones are gradually stacked upwards. Another hypothesis is that the mound was made of mounds of earth to form a slope and use wooden rollers to pull the stones up, and the mound was spiraled up around the pyramid. It has also been argued that the removal of the mounds by the second method is a big problem, so it is speculated that the mounds are used first, and then the levers are used.
The technology used in the construction of the pyramids may not be sophisticated by modern standards, but they give us a silent testament to their managerial and organizational abilities. For example, the Great Pyramid of Khufu covers an area of thirteen acres and consists of 2.3 million stones, each weighing about two and a half tons. This construction is estimated to cost 100,000 people 20 years.
However, there is another theory: in 2006, Barr Sohm, a professor of materials engineering at Draeser University in Philadelphia, speculated that "when the ancient Egyptians built the upper layers of the pyramid, they poured concrete into the molds at high places, rather than dragging the boulders to the high places." (Full article published in December 2006 in the Journal of the American Ceramics Association), although this claim has also been questioned by many who have questioned whether Barr Sohm's sampling is the cement used to repair pyramids in modern times. On March 31, 2007, the French architect Jean-Pierre Hudan put forward the "inside-out" thesis, arguing that an external slope was built on the outer wall of the Great Pyramid, and then an internal spiral tunnel was constructed.

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