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questions :The Decameron
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[Visitor (43.250.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2023-02-17
The film is based on Boccaccio's famous novel collection "Decameron" during the Italian Renaissance, from which Pasolini selected 8 (also say 10) stories that take place in southern Italy such as Naples (the original is mainly based on Florentine stories), most of which are aimed at exposing the hypocritical and ugly nature of the church, and clearly show the author's affirmative attitude towards human liberation.
One of Pasolini's "Life Trilogy" in his later years, adapted from Boccaccio's classic masterpiece, includes seven stories: a young man is deceived twice, but ends up getting rich; A young man pretending to be deaf and mute enters the convent and disturbs the hearts of the nuns; a housewife skillfully deals with a husband who interrupts her cheating; a villain deceives a dying priest; three brothers murder their sister's boyfriend; A young man and woman cheated on the roof and were discovered by the woman's parents; A priest can get him to rape his wife in front of his husband.The story is interspersed with scenes of Pasolini's Giotto and his disciples painting a fresco, after which he says: "If dreaming of a work of art is better than creating it, then why create it?"..

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