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questions :Neolithic cultivation tools
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[Visitor (223.104.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2023-02-23
Neolithic farming tools

1. Pei Ligang culture, Shi Lian, dark gray, 29.3 cm long, unearthed in Mi County, Henan in 1977, now in Henan Provincial Museum

2. Pei Ligang culture, Shi Lian, length 19.8 cm, purple-brown, flat body, pointed front end, arc-shaped back, unearthed in Mi County, Henan in 1977, now in Henan Provincial Museum.

3. Magnetic Mountain Culture Stone millstone millstone and grinding rod, sandstone, the disk surface is oblong, the front end is pointed, the back end is gentle, there are four flat prismatic dwarf feet at the bottom bottom, the millstone is 8.8 cm high, 57.2 cm long, 20.9 cm wide, the grinding rod is 14 cm long and 5 cm in diameter, and it was unearthed in 1977 at the site of Magnetic Mountain in Wu'an, Hebei, and is now in the Hebei Provincial Museum.
4. Beixin culture Stone millstone millstone and grinding rod, millstone height 6.5 cm, length 65 cm, width 36 cm, collected from Beixin site in Tengxian County, Shandong, now in Tengzhou Museum.

5. Dawenkou culture There is a section of Shiben, 14 cm long, 4.3 cm wide and 3.4 cm thick, unearthed in 1959 at the Dawenkou site of Tai'an, Shandong, and is now in the Shandong Provincial Museum.

6. Dawenkou culture The stone dagger, 21.9 cm long, tremolite, flat body, back is a flat ring handshake, is a delicate weapon, unearthed in Pi County, Jiangsu in 1966, now in the Nanjing Museum.

7. Qingliangang Culture Perforated stone axe, 13.8 cm long, 1.5 cm thick and 8.2 cm wide, unearthed in 1951 at the Qingliangang site in Huai'an, Jiangsu, now in the Nanjing Museum
8. Dawenkou culture Stone pickaxe, hard stone, gray-black, 16.6 cm long and 6.8 cm wide, unearthed in Pi County, Jiangsu in 1976, now in the Nanjing Museum.

9. Longshan Culture Grooved stone axe, 30 cm long and 12.6 cm wide blade, excavated in Yiyang, Hunan Province, now in the Hunan Provincial Museum.

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