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questions :Children's environmental poem
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[Visitor (112.0.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2023-05-15
Poems about children's environment

1. "Environmental Defender"

Don't let the birds sigh, don't let the dragonflies break their arms.

To protect good animals is to protect ourselves.

Dry the tears of the frog, Quickly smooth the swallow's coat,

To heal the wounds of Mother Earth, we hold up the mission of love.

We are green guardians, we are close partners of animals,

Let us exchange our sincere hearts for the beauty of the earth tomorrow.

2, "I am a little guardian of environmental protection"

I am a little environmental guardian, and I want to love the little frog.

Because frogs have great skills, eat pests to protect crops.

I am a little guardian of environmental protection, and I want to love and care for my mother tree.

Because the big tree has great skills, purifies the air and blocks the wind and sand.
I am a little guardian of environmental protection, I know that batteries do a lot,

After use, it is sent to the sorting plant, and the battery doll also has a home.

I am a little guardian of environmental protection, not allowing sewage to flow into the river,

If the homes of small fish are not polluted, human beings will have health.

I am a little environmental guard, and I never graffiti on the walls,

Waste paper is never thrown into the ground, and everyone praises the care for the environment.

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