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[Visitor (112.0.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2023-06-25
Hieroglyphs, also known as ideograms, Egyptian hieroglyphs, Sumerians, ancient Indian scripts, and Chinese oracle bones, are all independently produced from the simplest pictures and patterns of primitive societies. About 5,000 years ago, the ancient Egyptians invented hieroglyphics, which were slow to write and difficult to understand. Chinese hieroglyphs are the crystallization of the wisdom of the Chinese nation, a kind of inheritance of the original way of recording things described by the ancestors, and it is also the most vivid and well-preserved writing that has evolved to this day.
Hieroglyphs refer to the use of purely graphics for writing, and these words are similar in shape to what they represent. In general, hieroglyphs are the earliest written texts produced. Use the lines or strokes of the text to specifically outline the shape characteristics of the object to be expressed.

Hieroglyphs come from pictorial texts and are the most primitive method of word-making, with the nature of pictures weakened and the symbolic nature enhanced. Egyptian hieroglyphics, Sumerian, ancient Indian scripts, and Chinese oracle bone and stone inscriptions are all independently produced from the simplest pictures and patterns of primitive societies.
The Chinese oracle hieroglyph "moon" is like the shape of a curved moon, the character "turtle" (especially the traditional [turtle]) character resembles the side shape of a turtle, the character "horse" is a horse with a mane and four legs, "fish" is a swimming fish with a fish head, body and tail, "艹" (the original character for grass) is two bundles of grass, and the character "gate" (traditional [門] is more like) is the shape of the left and right two doors. The word "wine" is unitary without three points of water, like a wine bottle without wine, while the word "day" is like a circle with a point in the middle, much like the shape that people see when they look directly at the sun.
It is worth saying that the original Chinese script belongs to hieroglyphics, although Chinese characters still retain the characteristics of hieroglyphs, but after thousands of years of evolution, they have been far from the original image, so they do not belong to hieroglyphics, but belong to the morphemes of the ideographic system. In addition, the "head font" and "geometry" of Mayan characters are also true.

Because some physical things and abstract things cannot be drawn, its limitations are great. Therefore, after using pictograms as the basis, Chinese characters developed into Yiyin scripts, and other methods of character creation were added, such as meeting meaning, referring to things, shape sounds, transfer notes, and false borrowing in the Six Books. However, these new methods of word-making still have to be based on the original hieroglyphs, which are based on pictograms, and are composed of flattening, subtracting, or adding or deleting symbolic symbols.

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