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questions :command automation system
Visitor (116.110.*.*)
Category :[Technology][Computer Technology][society][Military]
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[Visitor (112.0.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2023-09-22
It consists of the following parts:

Communication (sub) system: for the support of the entire command automation system, the communication between the subsystems is completed by the communication system.

Intelligence (sub)system: handles all kinds of complex intelligence to provide a basis for commanders to issue combat determination.

Information processing (sub) system: processing battlefield information

Force control (sub) system: the commander controls the force through this system,


1. Comprehensively use various reconnaissance and surveillance means to collect and obtain intelligence and information from all sides, carry out necessary and appropriate processing, and after analysis, screening and judgment, report important information to the command organ and to all combat units;
Second, conduct operational simulation and prediction of various important information, formulate combat plans and action plans in a timely manner, and display the battlefield situation and related information in real time to assist commanders in making correct operational decisions;

Third, to transmit the orders and instructions of the headquarters promptly, timely, accurately and confidentially to the combat departments and relevant troops, and to direct and control them;

Fourth, carry out battlefield management, supervise the execution of tasks by troops, keep abreast of battlefield conditions, and give feedback on battlefield changes and development trends.

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