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questions :Pantheon function
Visitor (183.171.*.*)[Malay ]
Category :[Culture][Cultural venues]
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Visitor (112.0.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2023-10-04
The purpose of the building is unknown, but the name, porch, and gable decoration suggest some kind of temple. However, all the gods were unaware of any cults, so the Pantheon may have been designed as a place where the emperor could make public appearances in an environment that reminded onlookers of his divine status, like the other gods of the Pantheon in Rome who deified his emperor predecessors. For example, the 1st-century Roman writer Pliny tells us that the Pantheon once contained statues of Venus (wearing pearls that Cleopatra once owned), Mars, and Julius Caesar.


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