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questions :Geological Section and Interpretation of Geological Sheets
Visitor (152.58.*.*)[Hindi ]
Category :[Science][Other]
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Visitor (112.0.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2023-12-11
Also known as geological section, it is along a certain direction, showing the actual (or inferred) section of the geological structure on the surface or at a certain depth. The basic data of rock mass and structure.According to the section data, it is the premise of geological mapping work.Surveying geological section is one of the important methods of geological survey work.According to the characteristics of different rock types, stratigraphic profiles, volcano-tectonic sections, granite unit superunit profiles, mining areas (or ore deposits, ore bodies) sections can be measured.It is roughly divided into measured geological profile and route geological profile (or random geological profile)...

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