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questions :Air Condition
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[Visitor (113.218.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2024-01-08
Air conditioner, that is, air conditioner, refers to the equipment that uses manual means to regulate and control the temperature, humidity, cleanliness, flow rate and other parameters of the ambient air in a building or structure. In 1922, Carrier introduced the first generation of domestic air conditioners.

There are two major types of structural forms, one is split and divided into indoor and outdoor, and the other is integral, such as window machine, mobile type, etc. Most of the refrigerants are used to evaporate or condense under the action of the compressor, which causes the evaporation or condensation of the surrounding air to achieve the purpose of changing the temperature and humidity.

1000 BC
Temperature regulation tools
Willis Carrier
Early 20th century
Famous brands
Gree, Daikin, Haier, etc
Wall-mounted air conditioners, vertical cabinet air conditioners, window air conditioners, ceiling air conditioners

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