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questions :Woodcut prints are part of any method
Visitor (157.40.*.*)[Bengali language ]
Category :[Art][Painting]
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[Visitor (113.218.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2024-01-12
The production steps of woodcut printmaking are divided into four steps: selecting the plate, composing, engraving, inking, and printing.

Selection of plates: general 5-layer boards are fine.

Composition: The main thing is that the line drawing is accurate, and the parts that are clearly removed and retained.

Engraving: Use a woodcut knife to get more done with less.

Inking: Roll the ink on the board with a roller dipped in ink, to be even.

Printing: Cover with coated paper, roll vigorously on it with a clean roller, and transfer the ink to coated paper.
Woodcut is a kind of printmaking art that carves a reverse image on a wooden board and then prints it on paper to enjoy. Printmaking is also an important category of Chinese art. Ancient prints mainly refer to woodcuts, but there are also a few copperplate engravings and color omitted prints. The unique knife flavor and wood flavor make it have an independent artistic value and status in the history of Chinese culture and art.

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