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questions :Importance Of silk road
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[Visitor (113.218.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2024-02-04
The role of the Silk Road: The opening of the Silk Road has effectively promoted the economic and cultural exchanges between the East and the West, and has played a positive role in promoting the prosperity of the Han Dynasty. Significance: 1. The "Silk Road" has become a bridge for economic and cultural exchanges between the East and the West, along which China's silk fabrics, iron smelting, well sinking, papermaking and other technologies have been transmitted to the west. Western furs, sweat horses, pomegranates, grapes and other melons and fruits, as well as Buddhism, magic, music, dance, sculpture and so on also came to the East.

2. The Silk Road is a historical witness to the exchanges and exchanges between the Western Han Dynasty and the Western Regions. The Silk Road was also the link between China and West Asia and European countries during the Western Han Dynasty and beyond.
  3. The Silk Road promoted economic and cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries, and also strengthened the relationship between the Han nationality and other ethnic minorities along the route, and promoted the development of Northwest China.

The Silk Road, referred to as the Silk Road, generally refers to the land Silk Road, and is broadly divided into the Land Silk Road and the Maritime Silk Road.

The overland Silk Road originated from the Western Han Dynasty (202-8 BC) when Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty sent Zhang Qian to the Western Regions to open up a land passage starting from the capital Chang'an (now Xi'an), passing through Gansu and Xinjiang, to Central Asia and West Asia, and connecting the Mediterranean countries. Its original role was to transport silk produced in ancient China.

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