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questions :Ape Man
Visitor (59.153.*.*)[Vietnamese language ]
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[Visitor (113.218.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2024-02-22
The ape-man fossils began with a skull, a leg bone and three teeth, excavated in 1891 in Trinier, Java, Indonesia, followed by the discovery of the Heidelberg ape-man in Germany in 1907; From 1927 to 1937, the famous Peking Man was discovered in China; In 1954-1955, Atra-man was found in Algeria: In 1960, the Relic Man was discovered in Tanzania, and so on After 1972, some earlier ape-man fossils were excavated in some countries in Asia and Africa, including the "No. 1470 Man" in Kenya dated 2.9 million years ago, the "Able Man" in Tanzania dated between 190 and 1.75 million years ago, and the Yuanmou ape man in China dated 1.7 million years ago, so that it is known that the age of ape-man existence was between about 3 million and 30 or 200,000 years ago.Chinese scholars call the ape-man who lived around 1.5 million years (or 2 million years old) the early ape and the late ape-man respectively. The eye sockets are inverted, the chin is not obvious, and other characteristics of apes.The ape-man gathers plants and hunts animals for a living, and can make rough stone tools.The Yuanmou ape-man and the Peking ape-man have preserved traces of fire, which proves that they are known to be cooked.They live in groups, living in caves or riverbanks, etc., in the childhood of humans...

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