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questions :Partisans song
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[Visitor (113.218.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2024-03-05
Song of the Guerrillas


We are all sharpshooters

Kill an enemy with every bullet

We are all flying troops

Even if the mountains are high and the water is deep

In the dense woods

Everywhere there are camps for comrades

On a high hill

There are countless of our good brothers

No food, no clothing,

The enemy has sent forward

No guns, no cannons

The enemy made it for us

We grew up here

Every inch of land is our own

Whoever wants to preempt

We'll fight him to the end


Even if the Japanese robbers are fierce

Our brethren fought bravely

Even if the enemy is ruthless

I couldn't find any trace of us

Let the enemy run wild
Our positions were built behind the enemy's flank

The longer the enemy's battle line is

The more our team expands

No distinction between poor and rich

40,000,000 compatriots are armed

There is no distinction between parties and no distributions

Everyone came to resist

The more we fight, the stronger we get

The Japanese bandits were on their way to extinction

Stay until the last day of victory

There is a light at the end of the tunnel for world peace

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