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questions :The natural way of volcanoes
Visitor (157.157.*.*)[Latvian ]
Category :[Natural][Other]
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All answers [ 2 ]
[Visitor (113.218.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2024-03-17
Volcanic eruptions are a natural phenomenon. The reason is that molten matter in the Earth's interior is ejected under pressure. The types of volcanoes are active, extinct, and dormant. The only way to control volcanic activity is to prevent it in advance.
The Earth's interior temperature and density are uneven, forming mantle convection or mantle plumes inside the mantle. When a hot substance rises to the shallow part of the earth, partial melting occurs due to a decrease in pressure. Under the action of external forces, these molten materials come together and form a magma sac in the shallow part of the earth. When the pressure of the magma sac is greater than the pressure of the formation, the magma breaks through the earth's crust along the fault or weak point, causing a volcanic eruption. Another type of volcanism is caused by plate interactions, such as in the subduction zone or collision zone of the plate, due to the formation of local high temperatures due to friction, and the dehydration of some water-bearing minerals also reduces the melting point of the rock, which also forms magma sacs, which triggers volcanic activity.
[Visitor (113.218.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2024-03-17
The natural form of a volcano
A volcano is a raised mound or mountain formed by the accumulation of solid debris, lava flows, or dome-shaped ejecta around its vent. A volcanic eruption is a pipe from the Earth's mantle or lithosphere to the surface, where most of the material accumulates near the crater and some is carried high by the atmosphere and dispersed hundreds or thousands of kilometers away.

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