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questions :Features of glass doors
Visitor (60.51.*.*)[Malay ]
Category :[Technology][Other]
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Visitor (111.55.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2024-03-27
(1) It has the characteristics of intelligence and humanization. The wiring of the system can be adjusted quickly and easily, and the width and speed of the door opening can be easily controlled, and sensors, safety lights, card readers, etc. can also be connected.
(2) Good safety performance. The advanced safety device ensures the safety of the automatic door opening and closing, and the running speed of the sliding glass door can be adjusted, which can make it well adapt to the needs of practical life.
(3) Strong environmental protection. In order to maintain the quiet state of the overall environment, a new concept design is made for the guide rail structure, coupled with the use of new materials, superior reliable performance. Professional mechanical transmission design, equipped with high-efficiency brushless DC motor. Equipped with advanced toothed synchronous belt transmission, the door body runs smoothly and reliably.


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