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questions :What is an artificial environment?
Visitor (106.196.*.*)[Bengali language ]
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All answers [ 2 ]
[Visitor (113.218.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2024-04-09
Environment, we often use it in daily life and work, but I don't know if you know about the "artificial environment"? This article collects and sorts out some information, I hope this article can have a relatively large reference value for readers.



In a broad sense, artificial environment refers to the environmental system formed by processing and transforming natural materials, creating a material production system, and accumulating material culture on the basis of natural materials on the basis of natural materials.

The artificial environment in the narrow sense refers to the spatial environment enclosed by artificially set boundary planes. It includes the civil building environment, the production environment and the transportation environment (carriage environment, cabin environment, aircraft environment) enclosed by the housing envelope.
[Visitor (113.218.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2024-04-09
The environment created by humans. For example, the environment required for artificially managed crops in cities and suburbs. The artificial environment in a broad sense includes all cultivated crops, introduction and domestication, and the environment required for all crops, as well as artificially managed grasslands, forests, afforestation, and even some prevention and control measures within nature reserves; The artificial environment in the narrow sense refers to the biological environment under artificial control. For example, film production (using film to raise seedlings, etc.) prevents low temperatures and frost at night.


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