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TUE&ATUE Requirements

To assist the athletes coming to the AsianGames, the AGOC Doping Control Programme hasoutlined the following to assist in explainingthe OCA requirements for the Therapeutic UseExemption (TUE) and Abbreviated TherapeuticUse Exemption (ATUE) process.

Theserequirements are mandatory for the Athletes participating in the Asian Games.

With reference tothe Therapeutic Use Exemption Section of the Doping Control Guide):

1.Athletes with a documented medical condition requiring the use of a ProhibitedSubstance or a Prohibited Method must obtaina TUE in advance of the Games from theirInternational Federation (IF) or National Anti Doping Organisation (NADO).

2.The athlete granted approval of a TUE by the IF or the NADO is required to provide acopy of the approval to the OCA Medical Committeetwenty one (21) daysin advance ofthe start of the Games.3.The athletes belonging to an IF that doesnot have a mechanism to issue TUEs orrepresenting a country without a NADO should submit their TUE application with allsupporting documents to theOCA Headquartersat leastsixty (60) daysin advance ofthe start of the Games.

4.The Chair of the OCA MC will appoint TUE Sub Commission who will consider the TUEapplications.

5.The OCA MC will then inform the athlete,the athlete’s NOC, WADA and the relevantIF/AF of its decision.

A decision grantingof a TUE can be reversed by WADA uponreview.

1.The athletes requiring a Beta-2 Agonist byinhalation and/or glucocorticosteroid by non-systemic routes are required tonotify an ATUE to their IF or NADO in advance of thestart of the Games.


2.The athletes who have completed the ATUE process are required to notify the OCAMedical Committee in writingtwenty one (21) daysin advance of the start of the Games.

3.A notification for an ATUE will only be considered during the Period of the Games (thedate of opening of athlete village to the dateof Closing ceremony) by the OCA MedicalCommittee:

a.For the emergency treatment or treatment of an acute medical condition; orb.

If an athlete had insufficient time or opportunity to submit an application prior tothe Doping Control.


4.In the event of an emergency treatment or treatment of an acute medical conditionprovided to an Athlete resulting in the administration of a Prohibited Substance, theattending physician (from either AGOC or the NOC) is responsible for completing a TUEor ATUE.

This form will be available fromthe Polyclinic Manager, at the MedicalCommand Centre – DAGOC Headquarters and the OCA web site Theform must be completed as soon as practicable after the incident and forwarded to theMedical Command Centre.

The Medical Command Centre will forward the completedTUE or ATUE to the OCA TUE Sub Commission for review.

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