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What Love

Singer: East Brother

Album: "Blessed are you in trouble when I enjoy."


What Love

Concert: East Brother

Lyricist: East Brother

Composer: Gu XiongArranger: Gu Xiong

(China) is your beauty too charming,

Or am I not serious.

Draw tears from his eyes out tears.

I want to forget, the dream is you wake up,

I want to escape and found it was too late.

(East): Should not some love,

He appeared in front of me.

Want forced to seize, found to have no courage,

I try to forget, but their hearts are not fool yourself,

Love your heart, you have already been occupied,

(China) love what? I am so fascinated.

You said sea oath, Union Hill has become memories.

Why do you want to leave me,

Let me into sad inside,

Torn heart, broken dying.

(East) love something, so I can not forget.

Once love you too, will hurt completely.

Heartache also still clear,

The students loved you,

You pay so much, it is the games!

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