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The economic value of wildlife

Wildlife provides humans with food. 25.5% protein needed by the body from animal meat and milk. In coastal areas, marine animal products plays an important role in their food. Human feeding livestock and poultry are all derived from wild animals.

    Wildlife also provide raw materials for the light industry. Wildlife not only fur, leather, meat, wool, feathers provide raw materials and products for light industry. Also with live specimens, teeth, bones, feathers, blood, Diechi and shellfish products provide raw materials for the arts and crafts industry, to beautify people's lives. As the brown-eared pheasant birds each priced at $ 1000 Internationally, leiothrix each pair sells for $ 15 to 20, and a fur coat worth thousands of United States without, sable fur up to $ 13,000 to 15,000. Many animals are currently no product performance to chemical products can replace, not only like a mane high elasticity, wear resistance, the case of acid invariance, and high temperature, deerskin soft, delicate afraid of water and oil immersion, filtration resistance, breathability Strong, for the clean optical instruments, precision instruments and aviation fuel filter irreplaceable items, but also high leather materials. Animal tail hair for the brush, brush, paint brush, wool combs, hair brushes and other essential raw materials.    Wildlife is China's traditional export goods. In the eighties and nineties, China's acquisition of wild animals each year about 10 million fur, velvet 80000-100000 kg, musk 20,000 two game 500 tons, more than 70 million pairs of fowl and feather, specimens, live animals and a variety of other Wildlife herbs. According to foreign trade statistics, in 1990, China's export of wild animals and their products swap approximately $ 200 million, low-cost production of wild animal products, currency exchange rate. A monkey breeding domesticated cost about 500 yuan, equivalent to export one ton roe deer meat boneless sheep meat exports four tons or 14 tons of rice, export a wolf head inlay can exchange for nearly a ton of wheat.

    At present, the country's economy has been keeping animals musk deer, monkeys, bears, raccoon, sable, mink, silver fox, blue fox, nutria, quail, pheasant, and some farms have been a large scale, which is to improve economic wildlife, protect wildlife, will play a significant role.

Category :[Natural][Animal][Economy][Other]

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