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Faraday constant


Faraday constant (Faraday constant; faraday constant) is the modern scientific research important physical constants representing each mole of electrons carry the charge, unit C / mol, which is Avogadro's number NA = 6.02214 · 10 ∧ 23mol ∧ - 1 and the elementary charge e = 1.602176 · 10 ∧ -19 C the product. Especially in determining how a substance ions or electrons with this constant is very important. · Faraday Michael Faraday constant is named after Faraday's research work on the determination of the constants of decisive significance.

This value is generally considered 96485.3383 ± 0.0083C/mol, this value is set by the U.S. National Bureau of Standards is based on the electrolysis experiments, and is also considered the most authoritative. The sign of the Faraday constant F.


First Faraday constant is Avogadro's number in the derivation of the plating by measuring the current intensity and the plating amount of silver deposited calculated.Significance

In physics and chemistry, especially in Electrochemistry Faraday constant is an important constant. It is a basic constant, its value changes only with their units. In the electrolysis, electroplating, fuel cells and batteries involves material and the process of their charge Faraday constant is a very important constant. Therefore, it is also a very important technology constant.

Per mole of a substance in the calculation of the energy change is also needed Faraday constant, one mole of a calculation example is the change in voltage obtained when electron or energy released. In practical applications the Faraday constant coefficients used to calculate the general response, such as the free energy calculations for the voltage.

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