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questions :the evolution of ships
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[Member (黑面书生)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2016-02-05
China is the world's first country to produce one of the canoes, and using canoes and paddle across the sea. Canoe is to log Zaokong, sitting easiest boat above by raft evolved. Although this evolutionary process is extremely slow, but in the history of the development of marine technology, but has taken an important step. Canoe require more advanced production tools, based on certain processes to manufacture, manufacturing technology to much more difficult than the raft, the technology itself is also much more advanced than the raft, it already has a boat shape.
  In China, the Shang Dynasty have been made the cabin of wooden boats, shipbuilding technology of the Han Dynasty more progressive, in addition to paddle the boat, there are anchors, rudders.
  Tang Dynasty, Li Gao invented the use of the wheel instead of oars, oars travel, travel oars.
  Song, the widespread use of the boat compass (compass), and had avoided ran aground and sank watertight compartment. At the same time, there had been 10 major ship masts 10 sails. 15 century, China has become the world's largest yacht, the strongest, the most superior seaworthiness of the ship. China Progress ancient maritime shipbuilding technology in the international leading position.
  18th century, Europe appeared steamboat. Early 19th century, Europe has emerged iron ship. Mid-19th century, the ship began to large-scale, modern development.

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