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questions :william golding who is?
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[Visitor (58.214.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2020-11-04
William Golding: is a British novelist, poet, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1983. His novels are full of allegorical meaning, widely integrated into classical literature, mythology, Christian culture and symbolism. The themes of his works are generally related to darkness and evil, but his novels also express a dim optimism. His first novel "Lord of the Flies" (1954) highlights the theme he has been discussing all the time: the struggle between human innate barbarism and civilized rationality. This novel also established Golding's world reputation.

Country of Citizenship

United Kingdom

place of birth

Cornwall, England

date of birth

September 19, 1911

Date of death

June 19, 1993



graduated school
Oxford university

Major achievements

Won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1983

representative work

Lord of the Flies

Type of work


Work style

Symbolic, absurd, absurd, ironic, solemn

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