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questions :Dharmic anubhav philosophy
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[Visitor (116.238.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2021-03-26
Philosophy of religious experience

"Religious Philosophy" is one of the important works of the famous German philosopher Joe Wei F. Hegel (1770-1831), which has long-term value in the field of religion and philosophy. As the most influential philosopher in the field of German classical philosophy, Hegel's "Religious Philosophy" broke through for the first time from a philosophical point of view, and carried out profound, incisive and systematic thinking and elaboration on the numerous religious phenomena. The book is included in Hegel's Lecture on Religious Philosophy, The Argument of God's Existence, and Hegel's early religious works, The Life of Jesus, The Spirit of Christianity and Its Destiny, and The Pieces of the 1800 System.
Hegel regards religion as a historical and contemporary profound contradiction, a manifestation of conflict and a solution. He rejected the blind worship of God and the personality of God, and whether he abandoned his attachment to God, and advocated the grasp of God by thinking. Hegel's religious philosophy belongs to the category of atheism history. It must replace the childish non-believer of enlightenment thinkers who regard religion as deceit. Hegel reveals the regular generation and development of religious belief, and its natural introduction is: religious belief self-degradation, and tend to die out.


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