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questions :international trade flows
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Category :[Economy][Other]
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All answers [ 1 ]
[Visitor (140.206.*.*)]answers [Chinese ]Time :2021-05-16
Although the traditional theory of international trade explains the causes of trade and concludes that trade is beneficial to the economic development and welfare of participating countries, it does not explain the factors that determine trade flows. The introduction of gravity model provides an effective method for studying trade flow, and has been studied, tested and supplemented by many scholars.This paper uses data analysis of China and its major trading partners to determine the volume of China's international trade. It is found that the simple form of gravity model can better reveal the factors affecting the trade flow between China and its major trading partners.In addition, the empirical results show that APEC's institutional arrangement has a significant impact on China's foreign trade, and ASEAN and China Free Trade Area have not yet played the expected role due to the start...


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